2013-11 Viewer Picks
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The Day of Doctor - Monster
by Nancy-Alex 11-30-2013Doctor Who: I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed...The Hunger Games-The Power of Hope
by DJC Productions 11-30-2013The Hunger Games: Just a short THG, CF vid.Captain Hook & Rumpelstiltskin- The Battle
by Wildcat 11-29-2013Once Upon A Time: The battle between Hook and Rumpelstiltskin is just the beginning. Password is thebattleThe Walking Dead; In Your Head, They Are Dying
by tjmack1986 11-27-2013The Walking Dead: Made this as a wishlist gift for SciFiVidder on YT.Dance Like There's No Tomorrow
by Uruviel 11-27-2013Center Stage: A video about one of my favorite movies, Center Stage. November 2013 contest 1st place winner!Multifandom-Wrecking Ball
by ciaimpala 11-24-2013Multifandom: Wishlist gift of multifandom relationships for TammyBig Bang Dance Party
by Im1oftheOceanic6 11-22-2013The Big Bang Theory: November 2013 contest 3rd place winner! Password bbdanceDon't You Worry Child || Judith+Lexi AU
by skies_falling 11-15-2013The Walking Dead/Falling Skies: A Possible Universe vid featuring teenage Judith Grimes and teenage Lexi Glass-Mason (played by Jennifer Lawrence and Malese Jow).Say Something-Femslash Pairings
by ciaimpala 11-12-2013Multifandom: Canon, au, and crossover femslash pairings. Wishlist gift for Nikkimonique.Multi-Characters; Light'em Up
by tjmack1986 11-10-2013Multifandom: Made this as a wishlist gift for PerfectChemistryx on YTHero - DarlingPan [OUAT]
by i.luv.telenovelas 11-10-2013Once Upon A Time: Peter Pan brings Wendy to Neverland and falls in love with her. When she leaves, he goes after her to bring her back.