1-13 of 13 Videos
2016-02 Viewer Picks
Sort by: All | Viewer Picks | Council Picks | Awaiting JudgementThis Time Around
by Dojh167 02-27-2016Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A vid focusing on Buffy's isolation and depression after she is resurrected by her friends.Like I'm Gonna Lose You; multicouple
by tjmack1986 02-20-2016Multifandom: Another wishlist gift I made this season.R + Julie; Everything Is Made To Be Broken
by tjmack1986 02-20-2016Warm Bodies: This is a video I had started about three years ago. Apologies for the glitches near the end. I tried to fix them numerous times, but Vegas wasn't having it.You Are Not Alone; multifandom
by tjmack1986 02-20-2016Multifandom: one of the last wishlist gifts that I made this season.Simon and Malia | crosover
by Guzik90ab 02-20-2016Shadowhunters /Teen Wolf: please, just check out yt cause submit button keep telling me I can't upload it beacuse of special characters...SMILE, the worst is yet to come (Jessica Jones)
by Dojh167 02-17-2016Jessica Jones: Jessica Jones season 1 tributePrimadonna Daisy
by PsychoCynic 02-13-2016Dead Like Me: Daisy Adair's a primadonna girl, but one of the most complex you've seen. Festivids 2015 vid.Run To You | Emma & Luke
by Ninu 02-09-2016Once Upon A Time/Heroes Reborn: Entry for TACWC, OUAT/Heroes Reborn crossover. More info on YT.The Dancers // Captain Swan AU
by i.luv.telenovelas 02-04-2016Once Upon A Time: Emma Swan is a dancer at a prestigious ballet school. Killian comes into town as the new instructor. They strike up a passionate affair, but when Killian criticizes Emma's poor dancing, she turns into a diva and flirts with another dancer to get back at h
1-13 of 13 Videos