2010-05 Viewer Picks
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All The Right Moves (Jack Shephard - Season 6)
by MPJ 05-31-2010Lost: Jack's journey to becoming a true man of faith.I missed you AU
by EMMALOUISE 05-31-2010Lost: May 2010 contest submission after jacks death kate looks for love in the wrong places leading to tragedyLost Finale{Hear You Me}
by tjmack1986 05-30-2010Lost: May angels lead you in. Hear you me, my friend.Richard Spice
by Aislynn 05-29-2010Lost: Richard Alpert, the man your man could smell like. A Lost-themed parody of the Old Spice commercial. Dedicated to Sassy and Kat. Thanks for the encouragement!All Fall Down Kate Jack Sawyer new
by lozza19910 05-29-2010Lost: Read YT :) I hope you like it!! :) im thinking about making a part 2 let me know if you think i should :)Last Day On Earth
by lockedinabathroom 05-29-2010Lost: Just a short, but sweet tribute to the series finale :')The Lost Phenomenon
by emmasholi 05-29-2010Lost: My tribute to Lost, showing its development into the success that it is, and some of my favourite behind-the-scenes moments.LOST CAST | All This Time
by lostbreakers 05-29-2010Lost: spoilers for the finale, full description on YTUntouchable (Richard - Ab Aeterno)
by SassyLostie2 05-28-2010Lost: Episodic character study of Richard Alpert. Also my second vid (first in like 3 years) using Movie Studios. Thanks to Kat for the vid pic!tell me i'm gonna see you again
by A_Ewiess 05-28-2010Lost: a tribute to the relationship between Jack and Kate mainly focused on the finale.