2008-02 Viewer Picks
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Sawyer in 296 Seconds
by Deej 02-29-2008Lost: The entire history of Sawyer in 296 seconds. Tortured Sawyer. Beat up Sawyer. Black shirt Sawyer. No shirt Sawyer. Badass Sawyer. Kickass Sawyer. Lovelorn Sawyer. Bookworm Sawyer... They're all here. Inspired by simplespark.com's 5000 web apps in 333 secoBleeding love kate sayid AU
by fabri086 02-29-2008Lost: at her wedding, kate recalls the time she spent on the island her passion for sayid and how she found him extremely sexy . they keep on with their relationship once they get rescued too and when she finally arrives to the altar who will she marryRootless Tree (And All We've Been Through)
by TheCorporeal 02-29-2008Lost: Sawyer's disease is like a rootless tree that wraps itself around him, infecting everything, and perhaps that's why Kate is saying goodbye, but if he rids himself of it, will it cost him what he has left? [Warning: Heavy angsting.]How To Save A Life
by Jessica888 02-29-2008Lost: This is a video about Desmond and Charlie and how Des tried so hard to save Charlie's life, but in the end, just couldn't. RIP Charlie.Not Just the Beer Talkin'
by Jessica888 02-29-2008Lost: This is a video about Desmond and Penny and how Des will love Penny no matter what, despite the fact he drinks a fair bit.Against All Odds
by Jessica888 02-29-2008Lost: This is a video about Desmond and Penny and how Des misses Pen so much, but can't get her back while on the island.Jack & Kate - Falling Inside The Black
by MCnineteen91 02-27-2008Lost: One of my requests over at youtube. A Jack/Kate character study and relationship vid.Songbird - Shayid Vid
by amity1976 02-27-2008Lost: AU. Shannon loved music and dance, but lacked confidence. After falling in love, Sayid hears her sing and convinces her to follow her dream. The vid ends with Sayid picking up his ballerina to take to the theater.Sappy, sure, but what the heck - lolWe Are
by littleton_pace 02-27-2008Lost: January 2008 contest 1st place winner! Thanks to Jemmz for the inspiration to finish this!Pumpkin Soup
by Captain Freya 02-27-2008Lost: Jack and Sawyer are in love with Kate but she just can't make up her mind. (No more non-AUs for Freya!)Freakshow
by riay_night 02-27-2008Lost: A short vid about that since how the others are so keen to watch Sawyer and Kate in the cages... that they just might get a freakshow.