2013-02 Viewer Picks
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Scott Pilgrim VS The WORLD
by Brooke 02-28-2013Scott Pilgrim VS The World: February 2013 contest submission Password Torontodisplaced - 2.07 safe & sound
by littleton_pace 02-28-2013Multifandom: As Claire nears the end of her pregnancy, she fears her baby is sick and the only person who can help her is a strange woman she sees in her dreams. Meanwhile, Maggie and Peter run into trouble out on a supply run.the originals | R.A.D.I.O.A.C.T.I.V.E
by BWQBProdz 02-25-2013The Vampire Diaries: just a generic video about the original familyTurning Page - Multi-Ships
by KajaM 02-22-2013Multifandom: Your love is my turning page.... tribute to most of the ships that I have loved and supported over the years. More info on YT.Be Careful Making Wishes In The Dark [Regina Mills & Emily Thorne]
by MariaPurt 02-22-2013Multifandom: Each of these female characters think they're doing good (or that they deserve it). But do they really? Every good wish can turn into a disaster with these ladies: Regina from OUAT, Emily Thorne from Revenge, Callisto from Xena & Irina Derevko from Alias.Give me Love - O13
by nikkimonique 02-18-2013Multifandom: Olivia and Thirteen are both trying to get over their partners and not having much success. Olivia goes to a strip club one night and connects with Thirteen who works there. Can they save each other from their despair?Multi-Characters; Who Will Bring Me Flowers When It's Over
by tjmack1986 02-18-2013Multifandom: Made as a last round entry for the Blood & Tears contest on YT.Multi-Couples; Take Me Back To The Start
by tjmack1986 02-18-2013Multifandom: Wishlist Gift for XxJensenLoverXxMulti-Couples; This is the Deep & Dying Breath
by tjmack1986 02-17-2013Multifandom: Wishlist Gift for LoveSucksManiacOnce Upon A Time Ensemble; Closer
by tjmack1986 02-17-2013Once Upon A Time: Wishlist Gift for HisEternalSoulmateTHE WALKING DEAD || RADIOACTIVE
by Swoome 02-17-2013The Walking Dead: I love vidding The Walking Dead, it's such an amazing show ! This video took a long time to do, so i hope you'll enjoy it ! And I know this song is overused but it fits so well the show that i couldn't resist using it !