Monthly Contests
August 2009
The Winners
i'm only human - ensemble
by littleton_pace 08-31-2009Lost: Save me. Need Me. Heal me. August 2009 Contest 2nd place winner!Man in the Mirror
by Polarbear 08-25-2009Lost: August 2009 contest 3rd place winner! After the bomb blows up time is reset to the crash and Ben is the only one who remembers anything and decides to do things differently.
The Others (Oooohhhh) In no particular order
Charlie/Claire - Pretty Young Thing
by supermander11 08-22-2009Lost: August 2009 contest submission - Charlie thinks Claire is such a Pretty Young Thing!I Just Can't Stop Loving You
by Kuliet4ever 08-30-2009Lost: August 2009 contest submission Full Discription on YT Please note that the flashes in the vid arent Vegas flashes...but all footage from clips.Ben
by Violet_Deville 08-19-2009Lost: August 2009 contest submission. Annie's feelings about young Ben.Gone Too Soon
by Im1oftheOceanic6 08-11-2009Lost: August 2009 Contest Submission. A Tribute to those who have gone too soon.