LVI Contests

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APRIL 2006

Contest: Humor Videos      Deadline: April 30th

The Winners

The Others (Oooohhhh) In no particular order

The Details

Looking for a good reason to laugh about Lost? Ready to shake away the mid-season blues with some truly funny vids? Look no further!

To celebrate the official month of comedy, pranks, and the lot; April Fools, we are holding a contest devoted solely to funny Lost vids. No catch, no specifications, just comedy.

If you’re finding this harder than you expected here are some tips: a good comedy doesn’t just rely on a funny song, but also on originality and the vidder’s ability to take things to a further level. A video that merely follows a funny song with nothing special, or one that just showcases a montage of the funny moments of Lost is much less likely to beat an original one that used AU to make the viewer laugh.


The Prizes

This month we are offering a prize to each of the three winners graciously donated by Lostcalier! First, second, and third place will each recieve a copy of the Official Lost Magazine Issue Number 3, previewed here.


The Rules

Contest submissions should be entered through the Submit page and all regular submissions rules apply! The following rules apply only for this contest.
  • -Running time must not exceed 5:00.
  • -Be creative
  • -The video must focus on Lost
  • -Videos made prior to the contest can be submitted as long as they fit the criteria, but we encourage vidders to make unique entries for the contest
  • -When entering your video on the Submit page, you MUST enter "April 2006 contest submission" exactly for your vid's Description.
  • -Please do not use Megaupload or Yousendit to host your files.
  • -Keep in mind that however you choose to host your video, it must be available for download at least until the end of the month. If we can not access your video at the time of judgment it will not be considered.