Monthly Contests
June 2007
The Winners
The Others (Oooohhhh) In no particular order
Another Place to Fall
by IamSoLostRightNow 07-04-2007Lost: June 2007 contest submission. Kate tells Jack to find another place to fall.Overprotected!
by Lizzie 07-04-2007Lost: June 2007 contest submission. Sawyer is too overprotective of Kate, and she's sick of it. She just wants to live her own life & be free.Losing my Religion
by cylune 05-18-2006Lost: June 2007 contest submission. Charlie is in love with Claire but she doesn't love him back.Fighter
by charmed_charlee 07-04-2007Lost: June 2007 contest submission AU Sawyer has conned everyone on the island but he hurt Kate most and because of the hurt and the pain it made her into a fighter. She hates Sawyer for everything he has done to her and she doesn't like who she has become beca