LVI Contests

Monthly Contests

2005: January February March April May June July August September October November December
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Contest: Recruitment Video      Deadline: September 30th

The Winners

The Others (Oooohhhh) In no particular order

The Details

JACK: (interrupts) Everybody wants me to be a leader until I make a decision that they don’t like. You want to keep second-guessing me, Kate? That’s your call. There’s something that you need to know. If we survive this, we survive tonight ... we’re gonna have a Locke problem.

(They both turn and look at Locke.)

JACK: Now, I have to know that you got my back.

KATE: I got your back.

**taken from

Season 1 left us aware that Jack and Locke were both being set up to be leaders. With that the survivors will be left to pick which side their loyalty lies. Who will side with Jack? Who will side with Locke?

The challenge is to create a recruitment video that Jack and Locke could use to recruit their fellow survivors to their side. This is NOT a contest to determine who would side with whom. Your goal is to make a propaganda type recruitment video.

Here are some tips. A good idea would be to show the accomplishments of each side and to maybe try and discredit the opponent. Think about any military or political recruitment/campaign that you have seen. All of this is up to each individual vidder but the more creative the better.


The Rules

Contest submissions should be entered through the Submit page and all regular submissions rules apply! The following rules apply only for this contest.
  • -Running time must not exceed 5:00.
  • -Be creative
  • -When entering your video on the Submit page, you MUST enter "September 2005 contest submission" exactly for your vid's Description.
  • -Keep in mind that however you choose to host your vid, it must be available for download at least till the end of the month. If we cannot access your video at the time of judgment it will not be considered.