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2016-01 Council Picks
Sort by: All | Viewer Picks | Council Picks | Awaiting JudgementWar Featuring Matstub | Multifandom
by adelicateflower 01-26-2016Multifandom: Epic war multifandom using 19 films.Make You Love Me [] Milah + Belle
by i.luv.telenovelas 01-25-2016Once Upon A Time: AU. Milah is married to an abusive Rumple. When she meets Belle, she finds the courage to be herself, in this life and the next.Anya's a Wonderful Former Vengeance Demon
by Dojh167 01-23-2016Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A lighter look at Anya Jenkins in season 6 of BuffyLost In You
by Uruviel 01-16-2016The Hunger Games: A Katniss & Peeta vid. A Secret Santa gift for Jemma!Multicharacter; Who Will Save My Soul?
by tjmack1986 01-13-2016Multifandom: A wishlist gift, to a song I've wanted to vid for a long time now.Displaced 4x03 The Dead You Leave Behind
by littleton_pace 01-02-2016Multifandom: Hadley falls apart at the seams when Olivia won't stay at the hospital. Meanwhile, before they can worry about Olivia, Rachel and Rick must deal with an imminent threat to the group at the church.Collide || Hiccup + Toothless
by Jemmz 01-01-2016How to Train Your Dragon: Secret Santa vid for KarolinaF*** Me Up [Multifandom]
by DJC Productions 01-01-2016Multifandom: Multifandom vid made by me, using clips from 37 different films.
1-9 of 9 Videos