2006-07 Council Picks
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by Enchirito 07-24-2006Lost: Episode 2 of our incredible Lost fan film!You've Got The Music In You
by KajaM 07-24-2006Lost: A feel-good Hurley and Charlie vid about the ups and downs of life, about friendship, hope and the girls they love.Lips of an Angel
by Michelina 07-20-2006Lost: AU and angsty Charlie/Claire. A pre-crash story about a forbidden relationship.2000 Videos for LVI!
by Polarbear 07-18-2006Lost: A video to commemorate 2000 videos for LVI. Congrats everyone! I hope this is fitting.Time of our Lives
by Polarbear 07-16-2006Lost: A chance for redemption and healing. Being on the island is much better than the lives they left behind.You Cut Her Hair
by PsychoCynic 07-13-2006Lost: AU. Sawyer, previously dating Shannon, becomes jealous of her new relationship with Sayid. It begins with watching her from afar and writing her threatening letters, but Sawyer’s rage and frustration takes an ugly and sordid turn for the worst.