Vidder Statistics

Hall of Fame (VPs)

1. littleton_pace - 279
2. Uruviel - 221
3. xSoppySofax - 153
4. nikkimonique - 141
5. tjmack1986 - 114
6. KajaM - 112
7. Jemmz - 109
8. starryeyesxx - 81
10. Aislynn - 77
11. DJC Productions - 77
12. Athena Alexandria - 68
13. Polarbear - 66
14. MariaPurt - 57
15. Brooke - 55
16. adelicateflower - 51
17. aradnea - 50
18. i.luv.telenovelas - 47
19. grable24 - 47
20. Captain Freya - 44
21. pruedens - 42
22. Ninu - 41
23. Lostwithoutdom - 41
24. MyCatz2 - 35
25. Kaory - 33

Voted Most

1. Uruviel - 5136
2. emmasholi - 3717
3. Aislynn - 3630
4. littleton_pace - 2856
5. KajaM - 2331
6. eloramoon - 2270
7. Jemmz - 2171
8. Belxf - 1782
9. nikkimonique - 1717
10. Brooke - 1328
11. charmed_charlee - 1314
12. Im1oftheOceanic6 - 1111
13. BigA108 - 1095
14. wolffootball37 - 891
15. Jinlovessunxx - 857
16. FrecklesPhoenix - 728
17. rbexter93 - 689
18. applecake - 688
19. buffyfan145 - 567
20. Lostwithoutdom - 564
21. ciaimpala - 506
22. SassyLostie2 - 461
23. Polarbear - 458
24. Joon - 417
25. tjmack1986 - 395

Most Favorited

1. littleton_pace - 49
2. Belxf - 48
3. KajaM - 35
4. Polarbear - 31
5. nikkimonique - 31
6. Uruviel - 27
7. Aislynn - 25
8. dayln03 - 20
9. Borislava - 17
10. Lostaway - 16
11. cylune - 15
12. Jemmz - 14
13. Deia - 13
14. Captain Freya - 13
15. SassyLostie2 - 11
16. wolffootball37 - 11
17. Joon - 11
18. emmasholi - 11
19. xSoppySofax - 10
20. Akirehtur - 10
21. DJC Productions - 9
22. pumpkin_heart - 9
23. Hollywood - 9
24. charmed_charlee - 9
25. Di - 8

Most Vids

1. littleton_pace - 297
2. Uruviel - 252
3. tjmack1986 - 181
4. xSoppySofax - 179
5. nikkimonique - 154
6. Jemmz - 119
7. KajaM - 113
8. Brooke - 107
10. Im1oftheOceanic6 - 97
11. starryeyesxx - 97
12. ciaimpala - 90
13. DJC Productions - 82
14. Wickedgal - 82
15. Aislynn - 77
16. adelicateflower - 76
17. Athena Alexandria - 71
18. Wildcat - 70
19. Polarbear - 69
20. clairebennettforever - 68
21. MariaPurt - 63
22. Galadriel - 61
23. Kaory - 61
24. Lostwithoutdom - 59
25. Karowyn - 54

Most "Stand Out"

1. littleton_pace - 255
2. Uruviel - 157
3. xSoppySofax - 127
4. nikkimonique - 122
5. KajaM - 101
6. Jemmz - 96
7. tjmack1986 - 91
9. Aislynn - 71
10. starryeyesxx - 70
11. DJC Productions - 70
12. Athena Alexandria - 61
13. Polarbear - 54
14. MariaPurt - 50
15. Brooke - 47
16. adelicateflower - 46
17. aradnea - 45
18. grable24 - 43
19. i.luv.telenovelas - 40
20. pruedens - 38
21. Ninu - 38
22. Captain Freya - 36
23. MyCatz2 - 32
24. RedeemingTheUneven - 31
25. eloramoon - 29

16-30 of 2777 Videos < Previous 2 Next > >|

Vid Statistics Most Controversial Votes!

Sort by: Top Rated | Most Votes | Most Controversial Vote

  • If Only I Knew - Hurt

    by ostia2006 01-10-2008
    Lost: Warning. Character death. This is an AU fan music video. Alex wishes she could take back what she said to her father. Now it is to late. By hurting him she has hurt herself. I hope we get a chance in Season 4 to see how their relationship disintegrated
    If Only I Knew  -  Hurt

    7 Votes

  • A Tribute to Pierre Chang

    by nightdancer342 03-04-2009
    Lost: He was just a Candle in the wind...
    A Tribute to Pierre Chang

    6 Votes

  • Sing

    by needamuse 04-18-2007
    Lost: General Jate fanvid

    5 Votes

  • Jack - Dress Rehearsal Rag

    by hellybongo 07-05-2007
    Lost: A look at the effects being on the island have had on Jack
    Jack - Dress Rehearsal Rag

    2 Votes

  • It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing

    by Skater_815 06-23-2008
    Lost: After Sawyer and Kate are seperated, they reflect back on their time on the island. Kate can't take it and goes to find Sawyer, only to wake up and realize it was a dream and she can't find him because.. (I know there are some rough parts, but I wanted th
    It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing

    5 Votes

  • Sawyer & Kate - Tender years

    by Giglio1985 03-18-2008
    Lost: One year and a half passed. Sawyer can't live without Kate. So with a little help he finds out where she lives. The problem is that he doesn't have the courage to confront her until one day. At Kate's home he finds out something that Kate didn't tell him.
    Sawyer & Kate - Tender years

    5 Votes

  • Smoke of Desire

    by CapN 06-09-2008
    Lost: a survivor finds out what the infamous smoke monster really wants
    Smoke of Desire

    3 Votes

  • Ben - Mad World

    by jonnyzkool92 05-06-2008
    Lost: It shows that Ben, being the crazy guy he is still has his weak spots
    Ben - Mad World

    8 Votes

  • Heroes

    by Apple 06-15-2007
    Lost: Vid about Charlie and his life.

    5 Votes

  • I'd Come For You - Jate

    by JateFate 12-21-2008
    Lost: A video showing how Jack will always be there for Kate.
    I'd Come For You - Jate

    7 Votes

  • Forgotten

    by PrincessSparkle 04-21-2007
    Lost: AU showing what Claire and Charlies relationship could have been like if it were Claire who was the drug addict

    10 Votes

  • Grace Kelly

    by AngelNana 05-28-2007
    Lost: Sawyer is trying to win Kate's heart but gives up when he sees her with Jack... Only for Kate to realize that she loves Sawyer and so comes running back to him hoping for his forgiveness fro breaking his heart...
    Grace Kelly

    8 Votes

  • It Ends Tonight

    by JaterJabs815 05-28-2007
    Lost: Jack/Jate/Ensemble. All the clips are from the s3 finale Through the Looking Glass.
    It Ends Tonight

    7 Votes

  • Hello, Goodbye

    by wolffootball37 01-21-2007
    Lost: The Lostaways have said alot of hellos and goodbyes on their time on the island. This mostly covers the discovery/opening of the hatch and events surrounding it.
    Hello, Goodbye

    7 Votes

  • Claire's Letter

    by IamSoLostRightNow 01-16-2008
    Lost: A simple tribute - Please don't give up on us
    Claire's Letter

    6 Votes
16-30 of 2777 Videos < Previous 2 Next > >|