Archived for History, Lost but not Forgotten
Celebrating 10 Years of Amazing Fan Videos
Now listing 9138 videos!
Welcome to LVI!
What is Lost Video Island?
Lost Video Island was formerly home to the web's biggest collection of fan-made videos related to ABC's Lost. However, starting in 2011, we're proud to officially open our doors to videos for all fandoms!
You can read the History of LVI to see more of what LVI is all about. Or if you'd like help with your vids, check out the Vidding Help Page.
Whose videos are listed?
Anyone can submit a video listing to LVI! The only requirement is that your video must comply with the LVI Rules. It can be a music video, a comedy video, or even a fan film!
Before being posted to the site, all submitted videos are reviewed by the LVI Council to make sure they comply with the rules, then they are released to the public and undergo rigorous voting from viewers and The LVI Council, with exceptional videos being marked with special Council Pick or
Viewer Pick seals. You can also try entering our Contests, which could win your videos other great Awards.
Will LVI host my video?
Lost Video Island only provides a comprehensive listing of videos. The video files themselves must be hosted off-site. But don't worry if you don't have your own hosting. Read the Free Video Hosting Guide and your video will be online and ready to submit in no time.
Enjoy your stay! - The LVI Council