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601-610 of 610 Videos |< < Previous 41

Alternate Universe Council Picks

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  • Stockholm Syndrome

    by Aislynn 01-22-2006
    Lost: Kate/Ethan - dark, twisted and very AU
    Stockholm Syndrome
  • Blue

    by Redhead 01-02-2006
    Lost: AU - Sawyer and Kate after the island
  • Take Me Away

    by Lostzilla 11-20-2005
    Lost: Jack/Ana/Kate Au vid.
    Take Me Away
  • Another Day

    by Sophie 11-03-2005
    Lost: It is a AU vid with Jack and Kate. They broke up but he cant be reconciled to it.
    Another Day
  • Surrender

    by Di 10-20-2005
    Lost: This is an AU Jack/Kate vid. Jack and Kate break up after Jack tells her something he has been keeping from her from the start.
  • Hold On

    by Ana B 10-14-2005
    Lost: A Charlie/Claire AU video! Before the plane crash, Charlie had already met Claire on a trip to Australia with his band. Despite having feeling for each other, their relationship never developed into something more, since Claire believed Charlie was not r
    Hold On
  • Wanted Dead Or Alive

    by Aislynn 10-03-2005
    Lost: A Sawyer/Kate/Sayid AU Western
    Wanted Dead Or Alive
  • Not goodbye

    by Ana B 09-06-2005
    Lost: A Jack/Kate AU video...
    Not goodbye
  • Honey and the Moon

    by Summer 06-04-2005
    Lost: AU. Before the crash, Kate and Sawyer dated and underwent a bad breakup. Now, forced to see each other constantly, they try to avoid each other and their feelings.
    Honey and the Moon
  • Jack/Bridget-Somebody That I Used to Know

    by ciaimpala 06-19-2012
    Lost/Ringer: Bridget and Jack met and fell in love while they were both addicts, but now Bridget is clean.
    Jack/Bridget-Somebody That I Used to Know
601-610 of 610 Videos |< < Previous 41