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Seether ft. Amy Lee Viewer Picks

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  • Couples || NPS Collab

    by NotPennysStudios 10-26-2010
    Lost: Info and collab parts on youtube description.
    Couples || NPS Collab
  • I'm Broken // ConMama

    by littleton_pace 07-05-2009
    Lost: Sawyer is rescued but leaves Claire behind on the island. Now apart, both of them are desperate to get back what they lost.
    I'm Broken // ConMama
  • Broken

    by Borislava 12-19-2006
    Lost: AU after the rescue.Jack and Kate meet for a last time because Kate is on a run again.Jack feels terrible and he's trying to find her...but he doesn't know that he has left her an unexpected present!
  • Broken

    by Trish 01-24-2005
    Lost: An angsty Jack/Kate vid.
  • Broken

    by donna 06-29-2008
    Lost: Angsty Sawyer and Kate vid featuring all seasons. the first vid I have made that Im kind of proud of.
  • Broken

    by Dreamer 06-27-2007
    Lost: Jack and Kate are separated when they get rescued off the island. Kate goes on with her life until Jack calls her and they both decided to go back to the island to be together.
  • Hold you high and steal your pain

    by Luka 05-15-2006
    Lost: Separate, they are broken. Together, they are complete.
    Hold you high and steal your pain
1-7 of 7 Videos 1