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Michael Buble Council Picks

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  • I Am There With You | Ensemble

    by littleton_pace 04-26-2010
    Lost: You are not alone; I am there with you. And we'll get lost together... (spoilers up to 6x13)
    I Am There With You | Ensemble
  • I Cried A River Over You - Jate

    by littleton_pace 04-01-2010
    Lost: Jack is sick of crying over Kate. (Slightly AU)
    I Cried A River Over You - Jate
  • Grown-Up Christmas List

    by Lostwithoutdom 12-24-2009
    Lost: December 2009 contest 1st place winner! - AU - Charlie and Claire have been through a lot over the years. This Christmas they finally have something to be thankful for. Eachother
    Grown-Up Christmas List
  • Everything

    by KajaM 08-29-2007
    Lost: After a whole bunch of rather sad Charlie and PB&J vids that we've seen after Charlie's death, I thought it was time for a light-hearted and happy PB&J vid. Hope you enjoy it.
1-4 of 4 Videos 1