Captain America Videos

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  • Coldest Winter || BuckyNat AU

    by Jemmz 10-18-2014
    The Winter Soldier with an AU twist.(go to thread for more explanation)
    Coldest Winter || BuckyNat AU
  • We Might Fall

    by PsychoCynic 02-23-2014
    Everyone falls. Getting back up is the stuff of heroes. Stripped of everything he has known, Steve Rogers is still resilient above all.
    We Might Fall
  • never let me hit the ground (Steve/Bucky)

    by PsychoCynic 08-18-2012
    'Hand behind my neck, arm around my waist. Never let me hit the ground, you'll never let me crash.' Steve and Bucky. There for each other, always. (B)romance vid. August 2012 contest submission
    never let me hit the ground (Steve/Bucky)
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