Lost Videos
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Jack Shephard
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Audrey's Island-Lost/Haven Crossover
by Im1oftheOceanic6 04-03-2018Needing a break from the troubles in Haven, Audrey takes a fateful trip that leads her to Lost IslandAll the Best Cowboys (Jack Shephard)
by scarlett_106 05-11-2015A little vidlet I've been wanting to do for a while now, focusing on how Jack's relationships with Aaron and then David helped him work through his daddy issues. It was really satisfying, as a Jack fan, to see him find peace and be able to let go of the dStill Mine - Unchained Melody (Jate)
by scarlett_106 02-18-2015I got inspired to do a really romantic Jate vid when I heard this song for the first time in a while. The lyrics really spoke to me about my OTP! <3 Thanks tjmack1986 for the coloring (I covered it with texture but still, loved it)! I'm trying to improveChange of Time
by scarlett_106 01-23-2015The most important part in the survivors' lives was their time on the island, with each other. This vid is my attempt at showing why Lost means so much to so many people--these intense, inspiring, heartbreaking moments that we lived through with these chaj&k / Mine Again
by JaterJabs815 07-17-2012I adore these two and I love this song. Hope you like it and tell me what you think! :)Save Me From Myself
by starryeyesxx 07-02-2012Just a little Jack/Kate video, but I experimented around with the effects a bit to try and create a calm, content mood.Jack/Bridget-Somebody That I Used to Know
by ciaimpala 06-19-2012Bridget and Jack met and fell in love while they were both addicts, but now Bridget is clean.Lay Your Hands
by starryeyesxx 06-13-2012Just a lil Jack/Boone video, there wasn't much of a friendship there, but they were alike in a lot ways, they both did all they could to help people and it's what got both of them killed. At least they're in heaven together now!Far Away
by starryeyesxx 03-24-2012This is really short & kind of a remake, I made a Jack/Shannon video years ago & I just always wanted to make something of the hospital manips & the concept that Jack & Shannon were together & then he couldn't save her father, so that's basically all thisJack Shephard: You Can Let Go Now [LOST]
by RedeemingTheUneven 03-12-2012This vid looks at Jack's reluctance to give in and inability to let go, and his eventual 'switch' once reason and destiny made themselves clear and unquestionable.Jack & Christian- Need it to be done
by Wildcat 12-17-2011A video about Jack and his father. They had their ups and downs, but they always cared one way or another about each other.LOST-Off The Hook
by DJC Productions 12-16-2011Jack, Christian, Vincent vid focused around Locke's audio from ep.1.10.Jack and Kate || Ships in the night
by EMMALOUISE 12-12-2011Just wasting time trying to prove whose right