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The Kooks Viewer Picks

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  • Always Where I Need To Be

    by IntoTheVoid 04-09-2008
    Lost: Eventhough Jack and Kate argue, drift apart, are separated, and smooch other people - they know where they stand, and they know that they'll end up with eachother. Eventually.
    Always Where I Need To Be
  • Naive

    by IntoTheVoid 04-07-2007
    Lost: Juliet is so naive, and even though she may be 'with' the Others, Jack doesn't want her to turn into one of them.
  • Seaside - Jate

    by rbexter93 08-17-2006
    Lost: A short, fluffy Jate video about how Jack wants to take Kate to the seaside.
    Seaside - Jate
  • Jana - What Could Have Been

    by rbexter93 07-04-2006
    Lost: A Jana video made just to test y new programs effects
    Jana - What Could Have Been
1-4 of 4 Videos 1