1-8 of 8 Videos 1

Aimee Mann Viewer Picks

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  • Wise Up

    by cappy 05-18-2013
    The Wire: A tribute to the corner kids and the adults who tried to help them.
    Wise Up
  • That's How I Knew This Story Would Break My Heart (Suliet AU)

    by Athena Alexandria 04-07-2009
    Lost: Trapped in her loveless marriage to Edmund, Juliet turns to Sawyer for comfort... Full description on YouTube.
    That's How I Knew This Story Would Break My Heart (Suliet AU)
  • Wise Up (Jate/Jacket AU)

    by Athena Alexandria 09-13-2008
    Lost: Jack and Kate are both unhappily married until a chance encounter gives them each a glimpse of a better life. Thanks to Kat for the vid pic!
    Wise Up (Jate/Jacket AU)
  • Wise Up

    by KajaM 06-28-2005
    Lost: "It's not going to stop till you wise up" A sad b/w vid about Sawyer's past.
    Wise Up
  • Wise Up

    by IntoTheVoid 10-24-2006
    Lost: A Jack-Flashback video. Jack has to get over his past. He will never be able to have redemption if he keeps thinking about it and in some cases, repeating it.
    Wise Up
  • One

    by Myralee 09-19-2006
    Lost: Vincent's feeling very much alone.
  • Jack's Fate

    by DrPepper 06-05-2008
    Lost: Jack faces his wrong decision to leave the island The alternate link isnt the Video shown at YouTube its an older version
    Jack's Fate
  • The Affair - Shawyer Trailer

    by PrincessSparkle 12-26-2006
    Lost: My first vid using Sony Vegas and my first trailer - so be nice! lol.
    The Affair - Shawyer Trailer
1-8 of 8 Videos 1