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My Chemical Romance Council Picks

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  • Trust me, I'm a psychopath

    by Nancy-Alex 02-03-2013
    Jekyll: Yes, this is lovely funny Bofur from Hobbit) I totally fell in love with him in Hobbit and after Jekyll I can really say - he's amazing actor! By the way I was extremely surprised that Steven Moffat wrote Jekyll, but it was obvious, his style.
    Trust me, I'm a psychopath
  • Trickster

    by cylune 07-06-2011
    Supernatural: A fun look at the Trickster and his relationship with the boys.
  • The ghost of you

    by Slay 03-25-2010
    Lost: I made this video last August,then my computer blew up! This is an old, not completed copy d'oh...It's about what I thought could be the life of our losties after the Jughead...their plane doesn't crash,they live their lives meeting each other anyway,but
    The ghost of you
  • All I Want For Christmas Is You

    by Uruviel 12-22-2008
    Lost: What do the Lost guys want for Christmas?
    All I Want For Christmas Is You
  • Dead!

    by Uruviel 07-03-2008
    Lost: Ben dies, but does anyone care?
  • The End of the World

    by Captain Freya 06-12-2008
    Lost: October 2008 contest submission. What if Jack and Kate weren't the cutesy couple we've come to know and love? What if they were sadistic, suicidal alcoholics who were a danger to themelves and others? Would they help each other or destroy themselves?
    The End of the World
1-6 of 6 Videos 1