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Howie Day Council Picks

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  • Collide

    by Aislynn 12-31-2011
    Doctor Who: Waaaay back when all we had were the first two trailers for series 5, I made this shippy little vidlet. I didn't end up shipping Eleven/Amy but I still think of this one fondly. If you watch, I hope you enjoy. ;)
  • Caught in a Fading Light (Tyler & Caroline)

    by BWQBProdz 10-17-2011
    The Vampire Diaries: are you lost, where you are? can you find your way when you're so far? This video's main focus is from season 2 episode 11 By the light of the moon.
    Caught in a Fading Light (Tyler & Caroline)
  • Collide

    by browncoat_gater 07-05-2005
    Lost: Charlie and Claire were two strangers thrown together by unusual circumstances. Now, they make an unlikely, but beautiful couple.
1-3 of 3 Videos 1