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4x04- Eggtown Episode Discussion
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Expert Vidder

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Re: Claire
This happens a lot on shows. Characters die, and by the next couple eps, the other characters seem to move on in record time. I don't think they want to dwell too much, after all, the FANS have had NINE WHOLE MONTHS to grieve.

I don't think LOST is doing anything that other shows don't do as well here. The only difference is that time moves so slowly on this island, that it makes Claire seem uncaring. Besides, we see so little of her character, we don't know that she's not just putting on a brave face, trying to look to the future, w/e. Also? They're in something RESEMBLING civilization. You try living in the wilderness on an island for 150 days or however long it's been and then finally getting to sleep in houses, on beds, drink hot coffee, wear fresh clothes, etc. Even if someone close to you had recently died, I'm sure you'd be a LITTLE excited about the new developments.

And people do grieve in different ways. I remember at my grandmother's wake, the whole family was laughing and having a good time. Sure we were SAD. But humans are complex creatures, and can experience all kinds of different emotions at once. (And laughter is the best medicine, hardy-har.) I always hate it when someone famous dies and someone posts pictures of the funeral and says "Oh my god, can you believe that so-and-so is SMILING!?!?!?!?" Smiling and laughing does not negate the fact that they are grieving, it does not negate their pain.

If the show doesn't get bogged down in all the exciting crap that's happening in the next few eps, I'm sure they'll mention Charlie again at some point. Maybe have Claire reflect on him or something. But who knows.

Anyway, I did NOT watch Sayid's ep. I saw bits of it, and got spoiled for the end. And had this sinking feeling that I just wouldn't like it.

But here are my shortened thoughts on eggtown (ummm why is it called that? because locke brings ben eggs? now *I* want eggs.)

- I don't like Kate's flashback hair. (Yes, me=shallow.)
- Did toddler Aaron seem... BIG!GIGANTIC!HUGE! to anyone else? I mean, Claire and Thomas were TINY people. That baby is like a mini-Hagrid or something!
- Will Jack and Sawyer ever get another scene together?
- Will Sawyer and Claire move in together once both of their roommates high-tail it off of craphole island?
- Will Locke accidentally burn down his house while cooking dinner and trap himself (and ben) inside and die a horrible painful death by fire? BECAUSE IF NOT, SOMEONE SHOULD ARRANGE THAT kthnx.
- Could Daniel and Charlotte *be* any cuter?
- Do I care about Jin and Sun? (Answer: NO.)
- The chopper went to Cheeseburger in Paradise with Jimmy Buffet, obvs. Desmond worked up a big appetite looking so handsome all the time.
- Aunt Zelda bugs me. She just does. DIE ALREADY AUNT ZELDA!
- 10 years probation? SERIOUSLY? They do that? And would Kate really be tried in California? Were *any* of her crimes committed there?
- Aw, Sawyer, you need a woman who will appreciate you! Like Claire! (But dont' expect her to cry too much if something bad happens to you. It's nothing personal, it's just how she ROLLS. )
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Expert Vidder

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Someone said something about Emilie's acting abilities...did you watch "Par Avion"?She was great at the end of the episode with her mother at the hospital...id on't think that shs's not good at acting just she didn't actually get a big chance to show them...
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I thought she was alright in that scene with her mom, but the crying seemed kind of forced to me...but I think she could have a good grieving moment for Charlie if the writers would just write it! Guess they just want to move on.
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Expert Vidder

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yep,you're right here...she looked a way too happy...it's not right and she seemed to really care about Charlie....
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hehe the Sawyer taking his shirt off bit Warren.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Okay, haha the Skate stuff made me LOL lame. However I kinda agreed with what Sawyer said - how could Kate raise a baby on the island? She overreacted imo. And FINALLY someone called her on playing Jack and Sawyer against eachother! PRAISE THE LORD. But yes, the "I dont trust you." and the slap was so romantic. Oh yeah. And they actually didnt have sex!

The Kate stuff was, alright. I was expecting more tbh. But it intwines with the Jack & Kate stuff which was AMAZING MMKAY. *thud* it was so beautiful. When he got all teary eyed when the lawyer asked him if he loved Kate.. "..not anymore." and THEN the whole "What I said in there.. I didnt mean it." and her face! Serious flirting going on there.

RE: the baby. I think Sawyer and Kate would be too predictable. It's Lost. Nothing is ever simple. You can never predict or call something with this TV show. So then maybe thats why it's Claire's Aaron? Maybe they were making us think it was Sawyer's through the whole episode, with them having sex and Jack not wanting to see him, and then shocked us at the end with the revelation it's Claire's Aaron?

I just rewatched the scene and tried to think of the possibilites that it was Sawyer and Kate's baby. And the way Kate told Jack,

"I know why you dont wanna see the baby Jack. But until you do, until you want to, there's no 'you and me going for coffee' but um, if at any time you change your mind... come and see us."

made me believe that it cant be Sawyer's. The way she looks at Jack, and the way she says that, it's in more of an understanding, kind way. Like she knows why it must be hard for him to see Aaron. If it was Sawyers baby, I think she'd be more pissed at Jack for not wanting and not understanding and bearing a grudge against her OWN child. But because it's not her OWN child, and Claire's, Jack's half sister, the sister that his dad fathered whilst having an affair, she can understand why he would feel right seeing him. He was okay with looking after him on the island because he just thought he was "another survivor" but actually he's family. And Jack can't really handle more daddy issues and learning your father had an affair is hard. & if Claire died, or is still on the island, it would also add to the awkwardness.

Locke annoys me to no end. Seriously. I used to like him and now he's just too much.

Desmond! Sayid! PLEASE BE OKAY!!

Hurley's wink lmfao. "You got something in your eye Hugo?"

Excellent episode. Excellent.

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She does genuinely love him.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just watched the episode a moment ago and I'm still all upset....

1.) Claire, what the hell happened to you? Since when are you such a reckless, cold-hearted person? WTF!!!
2.) Kate raising Aaron????? Geez, it just keeps getting worse and worse.....
3.) When Kate slapped Sawyer I was hoping he would slap her back I mean, honestly, the guy was just telling the truth!!
4.) Locke... holy cow!! I already knew that he was a bit of a psycho, but I actually liked him for quite a while. Now, he simply scares me and freaks me out.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Finally i watched the epi.
was the worst episode of this season in my opinion.
i don't know if is just me, but this episode was really bad writting.
i've spent 4 years learning about these characters, so it pisses me off when someone does such a shitty job in writting for them. this woman should have been banished for ever working on lost after SIASL(the episode that the producers said, that was the worst episode that they made), either watch the show love or just stop writting for it. it wasn't even just the writting for the characters either, the episode just didn't 'fit' with the other 3. the dialogues were terrible and the edition was crappy...
The trial scene was odd.
jate ff? LAME!!!!
I am worried for my Des and Sayid I hope everything is ok with them.
i heart hurley and xanadu
not enough jacket, that's for sure... thought juliet's 911 line was funny.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

KajaM wrote:
I just watched the episode a moment ago and I'm still all upset....

1.) Claire, what the hell happened to you? Since when are you such a reckless, cold-hearted person? WTF!!!
2.) Kate raising Aaron????? Geez, it just keeps getting worse and worse.....
3.) When Kate slapped Sawyer I was hoping he would slap her back I mean, honestly, the guy was just telling the truth!!
4.) Locke... holy cow!! I already knew that he was a bit of a psycho, but I actually liked him for quite a while. Now, he simply scares me and freaks me out.

Took the words out of my mouth, Kaja. That's exactly what I'm thinking.

And this was written by the woman who wrote SIASL? OMG. Get. Rid. Of. Her. Like, now.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, I am over my anger enough to actually talk about the episode.

What I liked about it:
-Ben is made of win! I'm loving Ben this season - he is so funny and I am in awe of Michael Emerson's acting. Every scene with Ben in it I liked.
-The Skatey-ness.
-The fact that Claire was actually in this episode made me happy. (See below for what I wasn't happy about)
-Sun and Jin are no longer MIA! And Jin's forming complete sentences in English!
-I liked that Sun was worried about Kate.
-Sawyer calling Kate out on the fact that she bounces back and forth between him and Jack. Took him long enough....
-Hurley's wink. Hilarious!
-The way Kate acted about Aaron (on the island). It seemed to me like she was nervous about it because first she thought she was pregnant, then maybe she kind of wanted a baby but was scared about it?
-Juliet was in this episode too! YAY!
-Daniel is soo funny. The card thing was adorable.
-Hurley and Sawyer being roomies is funny. I also like that Kate and Claire were roomies.
-Locke's line, "I just....killed a chicken," was hilarious.
-Hurley saying, "You just Scooby-Dooed me, didn't you?"
-And I got some scene I can use in the video I'm working on.

And now on to what I didn't like:
-The Skate fight
-Jack telling a HUGE, GIGANTIC LIE at Kate's trial. Seriosuly, what up with that? Saying only eight people survived is almost insulting to everyone who actually did survive who they (supposedly) left behind on the island.
-The Jate-ness in the FF.
-The fact that Kate is raising Aaron. I don't even want to get into why that pissed me off soooo much. Not yet, cuz I'm not in the mood to rant.
-Locke. Everything about him. (Except the chicken line). When did he become a dictator? Who gave him the power to BANISH people? If I was Kate, I would be like, "What can you do? I'm staying."
-Claire is just acting too happy. I'm sorry. No one yell at me this time, but Charlie did just die, and she's acting like nothing happened.

*rereads post* Actually, I liked more than I disliked, but the stuff I didn't like are HUGE, hence the fact that I on the whole, I didn't like this episode very much.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

guh..I thought I would never say that. But I just think that I lost faith in my favorite ship. Sawyer deserves smth better than "I don't trust you" lines -/...it's like they knowing each other only two days, and "I do" was't exist at all.

for me it better would be jate, and the end of the triangle, I would be ok with it, but all this crap - one eppy she is flirting with one, in next sleep with other. Lame and teenage IMO don't know, and don't care anymore.

I totally don't like that it's Claire baby, because of Claire, I hope she would't die or smth in future episodes, I just don't see other way why she would give Aaron to Kate.

Juliette totally not with Jack in FF, my second favorite ship not happenning as well. damn, why I always ship people that not end up together. My big life problem, in every TV show I have ever watch happens the same thing with my shipper preferences LOL

Locke dictator stuff, and than him saying to Kate, "you need to leave by tomorrow morning". I don't know this Locke. It's probably his worst clone lol
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think you guys are being too hard on the show. I still think its great and really loved that episode, even if Skate did break up.
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Expert Vidder

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I still like the show. I just didn't like this episode. I've loved every other ep this season, though. This one just really disappointed me.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Charlies_Innocence wrote:
I still like the show. I just didn't like this episode. I've loved every other ep this season, though. This one just really disappointed me.

same here ...I'm very into 4 season, but, just this episode pissed me off too much lol
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think you guys are being too hard on the show. I still think its great and really loved that episode, even if Skate did break up.

I agree. I can understand people being upset about (now, clearly) Claire's total lack of remorse, but I don't think the episode was that bad!

I enjoyed it alot. And I know all the Skaters are upset with Kate, but to me, Sawyer was kind of asking for it. I mean, the 'I'll keep you safe' line was totally sweet, i'll admit it. But not when he turns around the next morning and tries to put the moves on her and basically says that it was just a line. "How can you resist after all that 'i'll keep you safe' stuff?" (That's not the line verbatim, but you know what I mean).

I think we saw a big character transformation in Sawyer in season three, but now he's going back to his smarmy pervert ways. I would have slapped him too.

In my opinion, the episode wasn't bad writing at all. I wouldn't call any of the episodes 'bad writing'.

Guys, what was so bad about Stranger in a strange land? I'm not being sarcastic here, I'm just really wondering. I don't remember it being that aweful...
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